Monday, April 12, 2010


How do you think Rowdy influences Junior throughout the book?

Why do you think Rowdy came back to Junior?

How does Rowdy and Junior's friendship grow or shrink?

Why did Rowdy go to Mary's funeral?

Why do you think Rowdy was crying at the funeral?

What did Junior and Rowdy do all night at the end of the book and what was significant about it?

What's the significance of Stupid Horse?


  1. Junior in the beginning he hides behind rowdy, and would die without him. Later on though rowdy is the inspiration to do well in basketball. By the end rowdy realizes he needs arnold.

  2. I think that Rowdy affected him by being mean to him, and it made Arnold sad.

    I think because he was bored and because he felt bad for being mean to his friend.

  3. Rowdy influences Junior by giving him a connection to the reservation. When everyone else deserted Junior he basically forgot about them. If Rowdy had not have hated Junior, then Junior would have just completely turned his back on the reservation. Rowdy gave Junior something to hold on to. Rowdy and Junior were true friends. Rowdy came back because he realized he missed and needed Junior.

  4. Rowdy influenced Junior by being at his sisters funeral and he did not come back to Rowdy because he is not a boomerang

  5. Rowdy keeps him going(technically). Junior misses Rowdy, so i think that Junior thinks that his success may influence Rowdy to try harder. Junior tries hard to impress him. Rowdy keeps Junior going. He keeps him motivated because his anger sometimes urges him to be better than Rowdy, in basketball and in school.

    I think Rowdy came back because he realized that he really did miss Junior. I think that when Junior left, Rowdy tried to be angry and mad at him, but after a while he gave up and accepted that he missed him.

  6. I think that Rowdy came back to Junior because Junior was Rowdy's only real friend. I believe that Rowdy took advantage of Junior's and his relationship towards the beginning of the book. Rowdy never appreciated their relationship until it was gone. He acted as if he wasnt effected by this but it was obvious that he was hurt and wanted Junior back towards the end of the book.

  7. Junior and Rowdy were closer than close. Rowdy protected Junior and Junior gave Rowdy the only thing he could count on to be there and not beat him up.

    Rowdy came back to Junior because he needed him and even though he didn't want to admit it he DESPERATELY needed him.

  8. i have to agree with everything chris says

  9. Rowdy shows Jr. how to stand up for himself. Rowdy stands up for himself so much he alienates his best friend.

  10. Junior male relations vastly improved throughout the coarse of the novel, something that his transition to Rearden changed greatly.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. When Rowdy and Junior played basketball together all night I think their friendship really grew. They decided not to keep score of the game, which I think made both of them realize that everything in life doesn't have to be competitive. Instead, sometimes you can just do things for fun!

  13. i think stupid horse played a large role in the book, because it brought back memories of rowdy and junior.

  14. I think there are many reasons why Rowdy was crying. The main reason I think he was because he realized how much Junior has lost: the whole tribe turned against Junior, his sister died, and, so did his grandmom. Rowdy realized how ignorant he was being, and how he needed to change.

  15. They grow as friends because they play basketball at the end of the book. Which symbolizes that they do not care about who wins or loses anymore and they want to just chill with each other and stop competing so much. They can just move on with their life and stop hitting each other or blaming things on each other and have no more secrets they can just have fun.

  16. At the end of the book Junior and Rowdy played basketball although this time they decided not to keep score. I think they decided not to keep score because they saw that the score really doesn't matter as long as you're just having fun as friends.

  17. Why did Rowdy go to Mary's funeral?

    I think that Rowdy went to Mary's funeral because he truly does care about his friend even if he is mad at him at times and I would say that friends who care about friends often care enough to help friends with there misfortunes, enough less the friend is no longer a friend of the other friend or if the friend completely hates the other friend!

  18. Rowdy makes Junior have to become friends with the Reardanners. If Rowdy had continued to be his friend, he would have clung to him like he always did. Rowdy also showed Junior what a bad life some people have and that if he applies himself he can have a life far better than Rowdy and his father's.

    I think Rowdy came back because they weren't in school anymore and the one thing that kept them apart was eliminated. Also, I do partially believe Rowdy was bored. No one else would want to hang out with a bully like Rowdy.

    Rowdy and Junior's relationship grows. Over their year apart, they realize how much they like to have each other around. Junior realizes that no matter how many friends he has in the outside world, it's always nice to have someone close to home. Rowdy just likes someone to play with.

    Rowdy had grown up with Junior and Mary was Junior's sister. No matter what their relationship was like then, they still had history. Rowdy and Mary were both part of the tribe, so they cared for each other...sort of.

    Rowdy was crying because he was angry that he didn't have Junior. He was angry that he and Junior weren't friends and that Junior had moved on. He was also sad about Mary.

    They played basketball; they didn't even keep score.
